Due to its resemblance to a spider, Chlorophytum comosum is sometimes referred to as spider plant or common spider plant. It is a species of evergreen perennial flowering plant in the Asparagaceae family. Other names for it include spider ivy, airplane plant, ribbon plant, and hen and chickens.
Indoor air is cleaned by spider plants. Research has demonstrated that spider plants are highly efficient at eliminating formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and carbon monoxide from indoor spaces. Inconsistent watering is tolerated by spider plants thanks to their thick, fleshy roots.
Is owning a spider plant a good idea?
Introducing a spider plant into your home can aid in the removal of airborne toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, carbon monoxide, and toluene. Formaldehyde is the most prevalent of these chemicals in our homes since it is typically present in textiles, leather goods, plastic products, and wood products.
Spider plants are regarded as fortunate indoor plants that look good in any type of environment, including homes and offices. Given their association with the wood element, the east or southeast orientations are the best places to preserve the plant. The plants aid in clearing the bad energy that is present in disused areas of the house.
Your spider plant will love to be on a desk or hanging from a shelf, so keep him out of harsh, direct sunlight.
Spider plants eliminate formaldehyde, a major carcinogen present in many household goods, making them ideal bedroom plants. Additionally, spider plants release a lot of oxygen, which will facilitate more natural breathing during the night as you sleep.
Common houseplants that are frequently cultivated in hanging baskets are spider plants, sometimes known as airplane plants (Chlorophytum). Its leaves are striped and arching, either green or green and white. Plantlets are carried at the end by stems. Although not harmful to humans, this plant poses a choking hazard if consumed, just like any other plant.
Maintenance of Spider Plants:

Because of their long stems with plantlets and cascading foliage, spider plants are frequently planted as hanging plants in containers. Growing them atop columns also makes them appear amazing. Make sure the long plantlet stems don’t get too heavy to tip over the pot and that the long leaves don’t get crushed if you set their container on a shelf or table. Spider plants grow nicely as ground cover, edging, and in outdoor pots in warm regions.
Generally speaking, the most time-consuming aspect of caring for spider plants is regular watering. Plan to fertilize frequently from spring through October, during the growing season. And when the roots of your plant outgrow the container, repot it as necessary.
Light Spider plants like growing in light shade outdoors. They won’t grow as robustly, but they can withstand intense shade. The leaves may get scorched by direct sunshine. An indirect sun-facing patio door or bright window is great indoors.
Although these plants can be grown in many types of soil, they prefer loamy, loose soil that drains well. Spider plants can survive in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil, although they prefer a pH of about neutral. Browning of the leaf tips can be attributed to an excess of salts in the soil.

Spider plants prefer soil that is slightly damp but not wet. Plant death may result from root rot brought on by overwatering. The fluoride and chlorine in water can cause browning of the leaf tips on some plants. Therefore, for container plants, use purified water or rainfall if at all possible. Even though uneven watering is not ideal, spider plants won’t suffer too much damage because of how efficiently the thick tubers store moisture.
Humidity and Temperature
For spider plants, warm, humid conditions are optimal. They dislike any temperature below than fifty degrees Fahrenheit. This means that when grown indoors, they should be shielded from drafts and air conditioning vents. Furthermore, if the humidity is too low, the tips of the leaves may discolor. Misting the plant on a regular basis can help it stay at the right humidity level.
Apply fertilizer
During the spring and summer months, when these plants are actively growing, they want a moderate quantity of food, about once per month. While sluggish growth might be caused by too little fertilizer, dark leaf tips can be caused by too much.
The Chlorophytum comosum spider plant. Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
During the growing season, use an all-purpose granular or water-soluble fertilizer according to the directions on the label. Adapt the amount based on the growth of your plant, as needed.
How to Induce Blooming Spider Plant :

Growers rarely worry about non-blooming plants because spider plants don’t often produce large, eye-catching blossoms. However, you might try giving the plant a little bit more light than it typically receives if you’re wanting more flowers for whatever reason (perhaps to try seed propagation). Just be sure to rotate the plant frequently to ensure that all sides receive the same amount of light. You might be rewarded with tiny, half-inch-wide white blossoms. You might also try not repotting these plants because they seem to bloom better when they are a little bit root-bound.
Fertilizing has no effect on blossoms; in fact, if you want flowers, it’s probably better to forgo fertilizer.
This perennial herbaceous plant forms clumps and is indigenous to South Africa’s coastal regions. Its leaves are narrow and strap-shaped, emerging from a central point. The leaves might have yellow or white or green longitudinal stripes, or they can be variegated. Instead of being flat, the leaves seem to be folded or funneled down the center.
One of the simplest plants to cultivate that purifies the air is the spider plant. It works well to eliminate dangerous airborne pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene, carbon monoxide, and toluene.